
“Will be buying again, especially the collectors edition. That’s if or when it comes to the US anyway.”

Lil bronze slip?

Good shit... Start my day off with an article in the town I grew up in on Jalop.... Somehow I had a feeling this story would eventually end up in my area. Too many damn dealerships

Well.... I believe she just got herself a new fan.

HA using that one

This is largely because I was now driving through the city of Philadelphia, whose police officers don’t have time to deal with license plate violations, what with all the murders, armed robberies, muggings, Eagles fans, etc.

Ha.... there you go, years of incorrect info out the window lol

I forgot she did those... Great books

I cant wait to watch this

Yes it is unedited.... That’s how it goes down. I wont ruin the context of why the ladder is there. If you do intend to play the games (and I highly HIGHLY suggest you do. Some of the greatest gaming I have ever experienced) by the time you reach this potion of the game it will be absolutely amazing.

Absolutely correct... I always thought the money made from releasing on ALL platforms would be greater than whats being paid for exclusivity. Give the people more options and you have more consumers not only buying your product, but becoming Fans of that brand as well. Having more fans and followers of your brand

I LOVE Rocket Leagues soundttrack... Can we start a petition to get the Devs to make an option to play the soundtrack during matches?

Yep exactly. i remember hearing Titanfall was ALWAYS coming to PS4. Especially the sequel

Very cool, I appreciate it... I’ll def keep an eye out for when you will be close.

Haha I had the same plan... Between that and Metal Gear, I will be pretty ties up until that timed exclusive nonsense is over with

Great track... I love these kind of chill beats

Absolutely amazing work... You captured the feel of this show exactly. The layout is really great as well.

Ahhh Silverhawks

You really, Reeeeeally should be