
DO IT..... you wont regret it.

DO IT..... you wont regret it.


I will stop pre-ordering when there is better access to stuff like this, that doesn’t sell out on the first day...

Anyone want a copy of Arkham Knight Batmobile edition?? Lol

Anyone want a copy of Arkham Knight Batmobile edition?? Lol

Fuck,I need that controller though

I LOVE my Elite Headset

WHOOP Doing this

Ohhhkay.... Well I guess I’ll be the first to say something nice.

Ok that sounds about right... I was looking at the Micro SD anyway

Ok that sounds about right... I was looking at the Micro SD anyway

Are they shit? Never had one

Are they shit? Never had one

This is great, where is a good place I could an album from ?

maybe this?? Would be awsome

So these picture just remind me how much I have been out of the Pokemon scene, I dont recognize ANY of these characters... I haven’t really played since Red/Blue, Silver/ Gold days.

Agreed.... I kind of want to get a Wii U and Splattoon just to be part of this community

These Deals Sections have been looking kind of thin lately.... Whats up?

These Deals Sections have been looking kind of thin lately.... Whats up?

Nice.... 2 years running for me...

Riiiiiight... because a superior screen... better colors... a stronger processor... and a second analog stick that ACTUALLY WORKS would take away from this game on the Vita...

I was afraid of the vomit flavored one... I hope you don’t get either lol

My family and I played this on Easter... it was really fun.

I actually beat all of Dead Island.... And Riptide...