Shit Thank you. I’m about to change mine right now.
Shit Thank you. I’m about to change mine right now.
Boooo your no fun
Great GREAT work...
Wookies have like a 400-500 year life span. Even if Chewie was 200 during the prequel and original movies, he STILL would not be aging at the same rate that Han does. Chewbacca was always the quiet older one, an Han the young Hot head. Now they are just catching up to each other
Go away
Ugh just amazing looking
How??? I thought this was going to be shown as a trailer during Avengers 2?
Great write up, I cant wait to see more videos... I’m from Philly as well, I’m gonna keep a look out for you on the 95 lol
So is it safe to hope the online play for this game on PC might maaaybe have more adult players, than the obnoxious kids I run into sometimes on console?
Ha! +1
Yeaaaa I went back and played this game again a lil while back....
This was a strange game, but one of my first arena fighters... I remember being really excited, then really disappointed. I played the shit out of it anyway
Thank you, I was looking for it
First thing shown in the video above is a MATURE rating for “Blood and Gore”, and “Intense Violence”
Oh so you really think its just 3 a year? Do you really?? Your already on the internet, go do some research you Putz
Well shit, now I know what I’m gonna be looking for on ALL my disc’s lol
Sounds like some super fun educational game right there
That’s kind of what I was thinking. I dont know enough about minerals though
Ill admit I’m late on the Amiibo craze...