Yes Yes YES!!! So much yes to this.. I thought this game looked scary before. This is going to be a game changer if it is done right
Yes Yes YES!!! So much yes to this.. I thought this game looked scary before. This is going to be a game changer if it is done right
Damn Microsoft... Little late in the game to try and worry about appeasing the masses now...
This is some kind of image tie in to the PSP game Metal Gear Solid: Portable ops..... Awesome game that didn't get enough credit
LOVED this game... It was a lot more fun than it got credit for
Mmm loves me some Chie
Jasmine from Aladdin:
Gonna be grabbing this for sure...
Well I guess lets wait and see how Fox is going to FUCK this one up....
Yea it did.. I'm not sure if they were for the game, or some book that accompanied it. But they came attached on a card that was with the instruction booklet.
Still have my copy of this game.. WITH the 3D glasses lol
This is awesome.. I just got a pair of the Pulse elite headphones.. I cant wait to play this game with them
These days I'm steadily playing a combination of Fez, Spelunky, Luftrausers, Final Fantasy X, Stealth Inc., and Lone Survivor, all on Vita. I've also been playing through the new ports of God of War Collection and Borderlands 2. (More thoughts on those games soon.) And that's not to mention the PSP games I come back…
god I hate florida
Ooooo that's a pretty fancy Rail-shooter ya have there ...
I dont know whats better, the fact that you drew this... Or still have it after all these years lol.. Good stuff
HA! sounds about right
"Well Hey, What do you say.... I'll check this out now that it's Free to Play"
Drifter - PS4, Vita
The are in England.... Not here in the U.S