
So I hate driving for the exact same reasons that you stated, but I live in the 'burbs and I often have to drive to my school, so I do not have the luxury of deciding that I simply won't drive anymore. What bothers me, though, are people who have driving phobias that are definitely not even nearly as bad as mine

Yup, no feminists ever get married or have successful relationships... and thanks but no thanks? It's really weird that you're implying that I should want to be with someone like you... And you're really trying to say that men don't have more opportunities than women? Men are totally marginalized and women are not



You're weird and you capitalize the "P" in pizza and it's weird.

You're weird.

Try talking to an architecture major and see if you feel the same way

You're getting upset and it's weird, stop.

We are the same person. I started smoking to go on smoke breaks and flirt with what turned out to be my current boyfriend but I stopped smoking after about a year bc it started tasting really gross to me for no apparent reason (thankfully) and we were dating by then so I didn't really need an excuse to see him, AND my

Omg that's awful, sometimes kanye comes on my shuffle and I get really weirded out and can't finish and it's for literally no reason.

Woah, I like that (SEE WHAT I DID THERE???)

Cowboy Bebop and Samurai Champloo are my go to animes to show to newcomers... it's really easy for mostly everyone to like because they are so episodic, and not to mention so damn good, especially cowboy bebop.

I tried to convey what you just said and gave up and wrote something simpler, SO PERFECTLY STATED.

Let me tell you, I love anime, I really do, but when it's shitty, BOY is it shitty. Like embarrassingly shitty. Those dates must have been AWFUL. (Btw, I have showed my boyfriend anime a bunch of times, but bc I know it's not for everyone I ask "you wanna keep watching right?" like every ten minutes just in case)

So, you're trying to convince me that it's just a total coincidence that the man-hater you made up is a feminist? Yeah, your comment definitely didn't imply that "hardcore" feminists (which would be feminists that REALLY believe the definition I posted) hate men AT ALL! What fool I am, I should go back to the

Well said, the "hafuu" thing is really interesting... also, the racism toward Asians in America and Canada is completely different than racism toward Black people, which is to say that while outright or casual racism toward the black population is extremely frowned upon and racists will generally try to keep their

So you literally just said, "she's asking for it". What. the. fuck. MUST PUNISH TEH SLUTSSSSS

Women=meat. Got it.

Poor men, first they get all the jobs and opportunities in the world, and now they have to be RESPECTFUL OF WOMEN? WTF, why are men always getting the shitty end of the deal???????

Oh god I really wish you did this.