
Eastwood referenced Lovecraft? Where? When? O.o

You’re bringing back Rob’s Fan Fiction Friday???

What's this?

It could be that I'm not a big fan of either of those characters. :D

Peter Parker and Mary Jane.

You do know Boom! is publishing a comic which is a sequel? Carpenter and Powell (The Goon) are writing it.

Look at his eyes. :D

The Dickverse?

Traumas are hard, man. :)

My girlfriend made me watch this. I strongly objected because I hate Jen Anniston. At the end, she was sad, but I was too sleepy and too anoyed by the movie to give a “Told you so”.

I loved this movie as a kid! But I really don’t remember anything sad about it... Wait... The Monkey dies, right? :(

I don’t know, the movie was not so depressing for me. The ending felt too hopefull. Now... The Divide... There’s a great and depressing movie!

Yep. A great and really fun mini. :)

Oh, it is! And it’s done that way that each issue is set in a different decade after a significant event in Spidey’s life. :)

There was a truly great Spider-Man/Human Torch mini released sometimes before Civil War. It’s collected in a trade I’m with Stupid. Written by Dan Slott and drawn by Ty Templeton. A magnicifent comic!

Wasn’t Karai already in the first TMNT movie? Not that she did anything of significance, but...

This reminds me of a Yu-Gi-Oh! tournament we organized in our town in... 2004. or so. Anyway, it was organized for kids and there was around 30 of them in our town (which is a pretty good number considering I live in Travnik, a town which has around 20 000 population). Lots of kids came from other, neighbouring cities

This is my Jonny Quest.

Not anymore, they depowered him.