
Snakes and ladders, amirite?

I tend to greatly prefer many of the generics. Give me fake-ass Froot Loops over the real thing any day.

Was demagogue in your word of the day calendar? That may be the most I've ever seen it used.

Why is this video even slightly confused about where "Shin" may come from? In the Japanese, his full name is definitely Kaioshin and he definitely goes by Shin in the Budokai he enters. Is there anyone else in the entirety of Dragonball and Dragonball Z who he could possibly be confused with?

This is, BY FAR, my favorite Dragonball Z video game. The sprites had character, the story branched (allowing you to play movie scenarios), the roster was HUGE. Most of all, the music was EXACTLY what expect from a game based on Dragonball Z.

One of their last games in their big Assassin's Creed franchise starred a black woman, slavery was an important topic in the last Assassin's Creed game, DLC actually had you playing as a black man against the system of slavery at the time, Far Cry 3 had a female option for their co-op, the previous Assassin's Creeds

Stop with the bullshit panhandling. If you really give a shit about women's rights, you would be fighting where it actually matters. If the developers were actually sexist and not just appealing to a demographic, because, you forget, this is a business, go for it, but your muckraking is just cheapening the struggle of

What's with all the Social Justice Warriors picking fights with Ubisoft? This is like the absolute LAST game developer that the SJW/feminist crowd should ever be nitpicking and looking for something to bitch about. There are plenty of real issues concerning women found elsewhere.

And the fact that this has now been upgraded to a "controversy" boggles my mind.

It makes me a little sad that this is going to be the tin can people beat on for the next few years when there are many more relevant issues in the gaming industry.

Let's not forget Tale Spin, some crazy mixture of Indiana Jones, Wings, John Candy (for some reason I always associated Baloo with John Candy) and Jungle Book.

he drinks your mushroom-shake!

U wot m8?! Oi'll hook u roight inna gabber for troina fix Yank English!

Personally, I always thought Tobey Maguire was a perfect <i>Peter Parker,</i> but a less-than-perfect Spider-Man. He captured the shy, quiet nerd part of the character, but struggled with the confident energy and comedic timing that Spider-Man is known for. Garfield hits the right notes for me in that regard. Now, if