
You know what that’s called? SALES TAX. Freaking income tax was declared unconstitutional then it was at 1%, the crap never ends and our fiscal state keeps getting worse.

The Patriots started a war over 2% taxes. Now we are at %50 for the common man after all is said and done.

That would be called the Mark of the Beast.

Uh huh, just like the airlines...

Nope, 7 years more to go, maybe 2 more SCOTUS, which means you have to endure a lifetime of economic freedom...what a shame

Yeah, because the policies and regulations of Obama worked...

Bro, he just said....you ain’t got no nipples!!!!

The minority doesn’t win elections, you’re talking about the silent majority, those of us that don’t come out to protest or waste time all over the internet, or own 75% or more of the media.

I have seen it first hand in tech.

Because your libertarian friends are right.

TMobile and Sprint booted ATT a and Verizon out of the way with unlimited data,now look at ATT and Verizon, they copied them.

Because now we have monopolies in disguise, and they’re funneling money into the same government that you think is protecting you. Lobbyists in Congress run the show and yet we have anti monopolistic systems in place... Funny how that works

I get that it is a pipe dream. Consumers can prevent monopolies and bad business models better than government, you know how?

Yeah, just like the minimum wage. (Kidding)

I am loving the simple scare tactics being flung around all over the internet, it’s even better knowing you can’t stop it, free entertainment to me.

Firstly government controls the water, and they put CHEMICALS in it like naturally CORROSIVE sodium fluoride and chlorine, even bleach.

You know what you do? You take the free market route and team up with millions of customers and say “we’re going to company B because you’re company A charges too much”

I hope you know that CHINA, not the companies in it but the government of China controls the internet which is exactly what regulations lead to.

This is no different than the deregulation of the airlines. Only the rich were allowed to fly, now we can get tickets for $100 a pop which was to the benefit of we the people, not thanks to government.

What none of you realize is that nukes are used to SAVE lives.