
It would have been cleaner to kill off Classic 616 Nick Fury and have Sammy L Nick Fury from the Ultimate U replace him. When THAT makes more sense you’ve clearly made a bad call.

I’m not talking about what people call themselves, I’m talking about what they do.

I think there’s a confusion that Super Hero fans will equal comic book fans.

Many of the Movie (they’re not all “MCU”) influences have been pretty harmless but some are pretty gross.

It’s football kids, people say a lot of dumb stuff.

I don’t think this is something I can come back for. I’ve bought 3 of these games, and while I enjoy them I’m definitely not opting in to all of the “additional” content.

Nice 30 Rock pull!

Ha, I hear that.

Synergy with the comics has never been a concern of Marvel films.

I think Nor-Varr goes by “Protector” now.

I don’t think the sales numbers support that.

Not to mention Captain Marvel (Mar-Vell), Captain Marvel (Genis-Vell) , and Captain Marvel (Marvel Boy, Nor-Varr).

Shouldn’t we be looking to scientists and not people who mutilated themselves in their garages?

Wow I’m so out of it.

This is far from the worst take on Supergirl.

Title should read “Jason Aaron continues an excellent run”

I’m, um, hunting for someone to sell my copy of Destiny to.

Very true.

This feels Hickman in the best way, but it’s not like these aren’t ideas that he’s done before.

Harrison Ford hasn’t looked that alive in years!