You’re not going to count Hulk Rampages or the fact that every Stark Invention both before and after Iron Man ends up being used to kill people?
You’re not going to count Hulk Rampages or the fact that every Stark Invention both before and after Iron Man ends up being used to kill people?
Wiiiiind! Water! Heart!
I look forward to seeing Avatar 5 with my grandkids in 35 years.
Aw, a friend that leads me out to the desert to die...
Marcos Martin
You might want to give it another try. Just Cause 2 was a blast.
Just Cause 2 was so incredibly fun. I really wish GTA had incorporated some of the mechanices from this series.
I feel like there was at least one “female” transformer when I was a kid...but who knows. The whole concept makes no sense (the Transformers, not female transformers).
I can relate.
Isn’t it funny? People are so quick to rail against “the man” these days while at the same time leaping to the defense of products produced by the most powerful companies in the world.
There are some very very negative corners of Reddit.
Let’s skip whether robots can be male or female and talk about the need for transformers to conform to humanoid proportions as their true state when there’s no necessity or mandate for robotic life to resemble anything similar to what we’re familiar or comfortable with.
So he spent $25 to make a massively disgusting waste of food?
Or I could just wait and watch it for $1.50 in 4 months. Yeah, I’ll be doing that.
I could care less about sports.
You presuppose that because people are rich that they’re selfish.
...because you read that as if I were waving my arms in the air, screaming on a street corner?
Ok, no worries :)