Eagles / Netherlands = “flying high”.
Eagles / Netherlands = “flying high”.
... and know I know the tail fin pod is the ALR-62 Countermeasures Receiving System (CRS). I need to slow down too much coffee this morning.
Ok, sorry, I looked it up EF-111 Raven, I missed the reference to it.
... is that you Donald?
How sweet was that deep minacious growl on departure.
You should google “Air bag Jacks” they work a treat out in the outback or in the backyard.
... but the have the best chips (frieten) (French fries) in the world; then again they did invent them.
Harry reminds me of Arthur Daley (George Cole) from “Minder” so ... :)
Calvin Cordozar Broadus, Jr. was convicted of felony for possession of drugs and possession for sale.
Recommend ☆ because of your courteous and informative reply to zedx79.
You are in effect accusing the late, great L.J.K. Straight of “purple” prose.
Think the Falklands, did we forget that lesson?
Mr Thompson, it’s not a typical, arrogant assumption on my part, as I did not accuse you of humiliating Cho, I accused you of being arrogant, petulant and a bully.
The CAA have got it all wrong, I’d say the camera peep rotated around the aircraft!
Interesting that you bring Larkin to the table, you obviously have a lot in common.
“fair shake of the sauce bottle” it’s Kevin 07
It’s due to video compression. Although those “soldiers” really do look like they are from a 1980’s casting call for a Stallone/schwarzenegger film.
Besides a couple of slung cables, those tunnels do not have any visible building service installations; piping - electrical, plumbing, heating, Air-con, water / water waste, ventilation etc.