
Not to be “that guy,” but I finished this in a couple tries; once I got hit by his little bogus turn-back after the hollow log, I kept more distance and avoided ledges/roots so that I didn’t accidentally uncrouch. The wood trial frustrated me more; it subsided when I figured out the enemies stay dead and so I just

The Wi-fi in Sony’s game systems have always been garbage for me, so what I did was take a router that can be flashed with open source firmware and set it to be a “media bridge.” I still don’t need to run a wire out to my living room, but the PS4 is connected via ethernet to a router acting as a big, multi-client

Just wanted to comment on the “clickbait” term; I would define clickbait as an article that uses a headline that obfuscates the content of the article via language specifically designed to play to our curiosity, i.e. “He was depressed, but then his girlfriend did something that changed everything”

For beginners, I would definitely not recommend going past your hands. Beginners can use push-up bars and still go half-way, or using knees. In either case, you’re not getting the same pressure on your wrists and palms.

You can also use push-up bars and know you’re getting the full range of motion since your chest can go past your hands. Easier on the wrists, too.

Do you use your debit card for everything? Seems like this problem wouldn’t have happened if you used a credit card for your every day spending and paid it off monthly.

If pre-owned is going to be GS’s bread and butter, why bother selling new product @ B&M stores at all? If customers want new product, buy it online or at another local B&M store, and just focus only on selling lower priced pre-owned products -only-. I don’t know, am I off base here?

I know people -will- buy two separate carts, but my point is why can’t they just make a single game with 2 scenarios, ala Resident Evil 2 or Persona 3 Portable? I don’t think there’s much of an asset difference to say it -needs- to be sold as two separate games.

Is there any real reason they need to release two separate games anymore? I’m pretty sure they could put them both on one cart and give you a scenario select when you start the game. I know this is how they’ve done it since RGB, but...just seems superfluous now.

2 AAA batteries means either 1.5 or 3V (depending on parallel or series batteries), so it wouldn’t be too difficult or expensive to get a simple 5V USB phone charger, solder it to a 1.5 or 3V regulator (with appropriate capacitors!) and then solder to the battery terminals. That’s what I would probably do :)

Trader Joe’s Murasaki Sweet Potatoes forever and ever.

I honestly love shakeology, and I am a “coach,” but I have never sold a single bag. I haven’t found anything that comes close to the vegan chocolate flavor, but I typically only use a half scoop and spread it out over 2 months since I always mix a bunch of powders in my shakes. YMMV.

Also try sweet potato chunks, so delicious.


Wonder what the total calorie count is if you nix the cheese and mayonaise (gross) and maybe add something like tomato and lettuce. The Taiwanese already have something like this called Gua Bao and it is DELICIOUS.

As a former vegan, you are certainly entitled to your way of life, but don’t think for one second that your opinions are going to sway anyone to vegetarianism/veganism; that’s a journey that one decides for themselves. Although I’m omnivorous again, I still abstain from milk and cheese because those are for reals bad

This sounds awesome, until you remember what happens to “unlimited” after a certain time. How do I know that my unlimited Amazon drive isn’t going to get kneecapped in 6 months or 12 months or whatever amount of time? That’s what happened to OneDrive.

Every time I see “paleo” ice cream, I cringe. Cavemen sure as hell didn’t eat ice cream!

If you have Onedrive/Dropbox/Google Drive/etc, set your Documents folder location there. That’s how I keep my saves backed up.

I’ve been doing something similar to this for years:

8 oz almond/soy/whatever milk