
Night Stand HD on iPad/Phone

Don't forget et cetera, not "eckcetra/ect." This one really irks me for some reason.

Ironically, the government puts out a chart damning itself. The government has heavily subsidized the production of corn to the point that farmers and chemists created all sorts of new uses for it. Enter HFCS, the detestable ethanol, and feeding livestock with corn. You can actually trace this back to the Nixon

I don't know guys, you tell me how you would feel if your closest friends were killed by the Taliban and then you see this game sold at AAFES. I totally understand this decision and actually applaud it. No one is losing any rights, Grantanamo, Government isn't forcing this on you.

@Foxhack: The true meat of the game lies in the multiplayer. Players will get their $60 worth.

@zaxour: The Reach Legendary edition, that is.

I'm betting that they will over produce these like they did Halo 3 Legendary edition and we will be able to find these for ~$60-70 in a couple months time.

Tuong Ot costs $3 for a big bottle. If you ask me, it's not worth the cost of the ingredients to make it :(

This app is missing the closed door negotiations for paying off senators and congressmen.....

@battra92: Eating may brighten the spirits, but he is only fooling himself ;)

Preview is definitely a cut above. I love the ability to merge multiple PDF's or images together by dragging pages to the side bar and printing as PDF.

I've been doing this for years; living in the north Dallas area helps with the breadth of vietnamese and chinese markets. The price difference is astounding. The produce may not look as nice as a supermarkets, but the taste is the same or better.

@NETHED: Did you set the network connection in VBox to NAT? That always works for me.

VOTE: RecipeZaar

Isn't this almost the same thing as Force Mode from Tekken 3 on PS1?

Last time I checked, target and amazon had some kind of partnership because their website is almost an extension of amazon's. At the bottom it says "powered by Amazon."

I was playing In The Groove and went down to hit an arrow that required my hand and jammed my thumb really bad.

Ha, $300 for a music game peripheral is nothing. Try paying $500 for a beatmania IIDX arcade style controller or $400 for a pop'n music asc back in the day!

@sixonedoesitall: Yeah and maybe people shouldn't have the right to free speech either!

another vote for I check my school's book store in advance and order the books 2-3 weeks ahead of time so I have them by the time school starts.