
When you're dirt cheap like me... you don't mind the standard buds. WAAAAY better than any off-brand (IE Skullcandy) earbuds I was used to.

@☭CHARIZARD☭: Honestly I feel like it would bastardize the game. The game is WAY too short to be put into even two parts. Besides, it'd probably be a very annoyance on Team Meat's part... they're still providing the game with updates... and pretty soon customizable levels. How will they do that on 2 different titles

@GunFlame: Digivolve into Wargunflamemon: "You thought it was hard with a controller? Well now it's practically impossible... I had to borrow 3 iOS devices to beat the first world because I kept gripping it so tight in anger the screen cracked."

@☭CHARIZARD☭: Lets not get them started on Episodic releases again.

@minusX: Your birthday is on 11.11.11? I'm... so sorry.

@Rescue9: It works on iOS devices? Didn't think it would with no Flash.

Ok. Bit of a tagent, but I wonder what'd they think about this kid in my Creative Writing class.

@Jackstick: I sure as hell am ready for some great handheld fightin' games. SSFIV 3D has me pumped.

@Malaky: If you can find one to borrow for about a week like I did (perferably with a huge TV and sound system) you can rent it and beat it in a straight week.

@Yuki-Ijuin: I loved Tricky for the characters and music... but as for gameplay SSX 3 was the pinnacle. If you're a fan, I would try to find it super cheap if I were you.

"Rowmote also offers a $5 pro version which ads a few features"

I've been using VNC Mocha Lite a bunch around my workplace. Since the whole building is wi-fi enabled, I like being able to remote into my iMac to punch clock-in/out, check on measurements, etc. It is a bit cumbersome, though.

Yeah, cool, but I'm still working on beating the first one. AUUUUGH.

@RawrSpoon: You can find out exactly how many on your Steam community page.

@Bakamoichigei: Lets be honest, whoever the hell buys Mac Pro's are well above you and I in terms of paygrade. They're ridiculous, and they probably don't read hidden Kotaku comments late at night, so I don't know why you're trying to preach.

@countjackula: Got one secondhand for $50. Still use my Macbook Pro for Minecraft, delicious Steam games, and Starcraft 2. I'm an extremely lucky Mac adopter since I didn't exactly get it for games. :P

@DocSeuss: Aw hell, you know it's not going to happen. Microsoft is already competing against Steam with their Games for Windows crap.

@pettiblay: I don't think you get it. He's like a cartoon character. Closet full of jeans and black turtlenecks. That's it.

You wa shock?