
After the disaster of the last half-season (how is it that Nimuae was the only one that could help them again? What kind of Deus Ex Machina can just un-detroy the ultimate dagger weapon that has just destroyed all darkness forever? After being obkjectively judged by the magic forces of the universe as having reformed

I remember it well… unfortunately. :-)

That, I can agree with. Sadly, since fights in movies and tv are often predetermined by dramatic necessity rather than actual realism or already-established character traits, they nerf characters a lot to get the desired result, when something more creative would've been preferable and done better by the

Baloney. It was important to the plot of those two characters that the fight be theirs, plain and simple. It had nothing to do with the genders involved that Sara didn't finish the fight- it had to do with dramatic necessity that it had to come down to Mick and Snart. If Ray had tried to fight Mick, or Kendra, the

Very true. And the fact that they have space travel capability only exacerbates the 'why didn't they just throw his throat-slit, helpless body into space a few weeks ago' issue; there are just too many ways to defeat Savage with their capabilities.

Jax is on my last nerve. Anyone who’s unimpressed by friggin’ SPACE TRAVEL is not worth the time of day in my book.

Wow. I was geeking out at the Jor-El/Lara statue hard, and the omegahedron at the end even harder! This one definitely doesn't shy away from going straight-up comic book, and the tribute to the original Supergirl movie, however subtle (it gets a bad rap, but with the director's cut, it's actually a pretty good movie

That's a good point. I'm not sure on that, based on new canon. I guess I would, for the purposes of this discussion, expand 'Rebel Alliance' (wherever I said it) to also mean 'the precursor unit(s) working with Bail Organa, Mon Mothma, and Garm Bel Iblis (if he still exists) and using the familiar symbol; i.e. those

Agreed; we need more focus on the original characters and less guest stars.

I'd think that distancing from the PT is both logical (as the timeline and franchise moves into it, that era becomes more of a cul-de-sac, and callbacks to it become more tortured and contrived), and welcome; it has, after all, dominated the entire franchise for about a decade and a half (at least until TFA/Rebels

But this is Star Wars. Big, dumb monsters in caves is part of the trope. :-)

But he was also not a member of the Rebel Alliance; in fact, his actions were specifically contrary to it. So I guess the question is, are we talking about individuals who are against the Empire doing something overzealous or being a monster (heck, Kyp Duron vaporized a whole Imperial SOLAR SYSTEM), or someone working

"Having Star Wars pick-and-choose when to talk about the rebellion’s monstrosities, really, is an exercise in frustration (ie, how many people died in the Death Star explosion, for example)."

Seriously? The showing is getting flack because it's cast is female-centric and it's the first major female superheroine on TV for a long time*- but they're mostly white, and there are two prominent african-american MALES in the main cast, the show is actually GETTING FLACK for lack of diversity?

Agreed. In fact, this was the first 2-parter to end *without* a team re-commitment. :-) The situation from the pilot has clearly been put aside; the team has moved on, and the Firestorm dynamics are based on elements SINCE then. But these reviews seem to be stuck in that moment, and filter every Stein/Jax

“which is Stein mostly acting like an asshole and Jax being supportive of him for some strange reason.”

"Just as I was trying to recall whether we’d ever seen Jay and Zoom in the same place at the same time, however, the end of the episode appeared to answer the question pretty definitively."

Agreed. I find myself not liking this aspect of her character… but also being impressed because it added some depth to her. Just like in real life, people aren't right about every single thing; sometimes they're driven by bias or ignorance or prejudice in regard to something, and it was a nice touch that they had

Just a nitpick- Zeb bracing the doors made me wonder: if they're so low on power, why waste it having the doors open and close behind people? Why not just open them and then send the power elsewhere, so they stay open? I'd have to think a power-door takes more energy than the space heaters…

“Martin responds with a wildly insensitive and presumptuous temper tantrum ”