
No I think it’s fair to expect that their mobile offerings would be at least somewhat interesting and utilize their popular IPs in a compelling way that works for mobile.

I see what your saying but isn’t that the exact mentality that gets young black guys in situations where a cop could injure or kill them? I agree that some cops are bad but that doesn’t mean that they are all bad across the board and that you should defy them. In most cases if they are corrupt you are going to stand a you couldn’t

You are a sad person.


Even if the slippery slope wasn’t a logical fallacy and a terrible argument, you do, in fact, need a slope. And a single datapoint isn’t a slope.

It’s used as an argument all the time, just like anecdotal evidence is toted out to justify generalized arguments.

What are the facts?
Bungie is currently selling exclusively cosmetic items.
Bungie has said in the past and recently that they are not letting users pay money to increase drop rates, buy better items,

1) A level booster, not unlike the one that came with The Taken King, that bumps a character up to experience level 25.

Ubi should be sending them physical copies ASAP and eat the cost.

I’ve seen the materials now and I agree; Ubi advertised the collector’s edition as a physical disc and changed it later without notifying folks who preordered. They have every right to complain, and Ubi should compensate or refund them.

Overly simplistic. Guns obviously play a major role, especially in regards to how many people can be killed in a short time. But the idea that toxic masculinity, bullying, mental health, and misogyny do not play vital and critical roles in these tragic events exposes a bias and agenda that time and time again have

What’s wrong with Broken Age and Super Meat Boy? Granted I already played a bunch of Super Meat Boy on PC, I’m looking forward to playing again and having access to it on PS devices and platforms. Broken Age was said to be phenomenal.

Your argument is invalid.

And they did it to reduce hacking and piracy. The Vita is hacked. They failed and doomed their own system.

This bit even more aggravating when you consider that they could have included BL2 on a cartridge and saved all of that room on the memory card.

That’s true, but in that case you should just play something else. There’s no shortage of awesome video games this year!

I hate how the game is showing up on my launcher, sans play button. How it taunts me.

Unless of course their fans are posting anything online, like videos and let’s plays.

Oh you mean like how Harmonix released a ProGuitar for $150 and a Keyboard for $100, then stopped supporting them? Yeah, Harmonix is such a great company, they don’t screw their customers at all!