Just purchased a new PC with an i7 6700 and a 1080.. so this will be fun to test out when it arrives
Just purchased a new PC with an i7 6700 and a 1080.. so this will be fun to test out when it arrives
Amazon is showing Kingdom Hearts 2.8 as January 24th for me?? Is it out on the 12th digital or something?
“meme” What?
No official word on the date its coming?
How often are you grabbing/picking up your console? Wtf?
So in typical Ash fashion hes going to fail his final exam and thus not graduate right? Since he always loses the finales.
Okay, you didnt specify that in your original post. There are more video games coming out around november than september so for anyone who plays jrpgs AND other games its not more breathing room.
Breathing room? They’re releasing it in November which is the busiest month of the year for video games
Until you put CFW on it, then its a god machine ;)
Sony consoles aren’t region locked right? If I were to import one of these can I change the language to English and still connect to the US psn?
No monster hunter on the list?! BLASPHEMY!
And all my interest is lost.
You must be blind
Persona 5 is 2017 for the west
Digital version of grand kingdom is out 21st just for anyone wondering. Physical got delayed to 28th.
Pretty sure PS4 isnt region locked
I had the same TDM problem with teammates! Funny enough I have the same problem in the game so many people compare to Battleborn since they released close to one another.. Overwatch. SO many people play like its TDM, nothing but offensive heroes are chosen and people just sit behind walls instead of actually moving…
Oh yea definitely. I dont know any japanese at all but i imported a japanese 3ds + monster hunter x last november. Luckily monster hunter is the type of game that isnt story heavy at all so I was able to play it just fine. I obviously had a harder time figuring out what all the materials and such were. But through a…
Thats the joke