I see. You’re one of those type of people. Okay then! Have a nice day, I’m done :)
So your argument goes from “it would be hard to mute in game because of the action” to “it would make the rating higher” I bet if I even try to debunk your second argument you’ll just come up with something else. Just nit pick every last detail
Best and only shiny i found was a shiny aerodactyl in pokemon X. Got an old amber from that cave fairly early in the game and went back and revived it.. didnt really notice it was shiny the rest of the day then when i went to the box to look at its stats i realized it was kinda pinkish. And realize it was shiny! It…
Have setting set to “no communication” fresh out of the box. If someone wants to use voice chat they have to turn it on in the options. Then you won’t have to complain and nit pick anymore
That’s a terrible excuse. Most modern multiplayer games give you plenty of time before the “fast action” starts to mute people. Whether than be in pre game lobbies or during a pre match countdown start.
So why not just have a mute feature? Why take away voice chat all together of muting is perfectly acceptable
Ive always done "up+b" and i dont press that until right when my character throws the ball and as soon as the pokeball opens to capture the pokemon i let go. 60% of the time it works everytime
I never said you cant play the games with the FTP mechanics. What im saying is i would rather have full 20-40$ games instead. Please read! Im over this though so dont expect any more responses! Happy easter and have a good night/day!
That doesnt mean it will be set up like “5 1 ups a day, pay 2.99 for 5 more! 4.99 for 15 more! 9.99 for 40 more! and BEST VALUE 99.99 for 500 more!! OMG SUCH VALUE!!!” Because thats how mobile games are. If you think were getting true nintendo games on mobile think again. Theyre going to be cheap to make…
Thats what i mean. Im not worried about graphics, gameplay, whatever. Im worried about locked content, and forced pay to win or pay to play. “Oh you used up your 5 1 up mushrooms for the day! Buy more! 2.99 for 5, 4.99 for 15, 9.99 for 30 or 49.99 for 100 BEST VALUE!!!(..im exaggerating this and i know its obviously…
Nintendo isnt developing these mobile games.
25 million a month for those Nintendo mobile games? jeesh.. going to be terrible generic mobile games with Nintendo skins on top.. I can tell already.
I’d really like to know this too.. I assume new 3ds because rebirth already chugs on my vita at times..
Oh gotcha.. thought you were talking about it being fake because of April fools.
Is it really that big of a deal? Do you get Dragon age origins and ea's origin mixed up too?
Pretty sure this was already announced last year sometime if I recall correctly
I would love if they added customer service. Because at this point its pretty much non existent.
Weird, maybe they just reset everyone as a precaution just in case?
Here is the email i was sent