
Does it have controller support?

Thats never explained though. The game does a terrible job of it. I get that its just what it was going for, but it still doesnt make it any less dumb.

Yes but those games you mentioned are actually good enough to warrant a subscription.

Kingdom Hearts 2.5 <3 im so excited to play BBS HD on the big screen

Im loving the game. Sure the frame rate gets absolutely ATROCIOUS sometimes... But the other 90% of the time it runs just fine and i have an amazing time simply running from thing to do to thing to do. Maybe its because i havent really played every assassins creed thats come out since the first one and 2/brotherhood?

Worked for me!


The dlc is never going to be "rare resources for money" Theyve always had a sort of "dlc download" area that lets you get different themes for your hunter card, poogie costumes, new event quests, and a few other things. I highly highly highly doubt they start charging for rare resources.

They did polish it up.. did you not watch the video? The 3DS graphics also look a LOT better on their intended platform.. the 3DS. Its been proven that throwing them in blown up youtube videos makes them look a little worse. OOT for 3DS looked AMAZING, and I dont doubt this will look any less amazing.

LOL? I really hope you just read his post wrong

I still think youre over estimating how much of a lag issue there actually is. Generally its on the users end. I have heard issues with the PC version(which has a fraction of the user base compared to consoles), but console versions appear to be mostly buttery smooth.

Really.. and avalanche of complaints?? I havent really seen too much complaining about connections with Advanced Warfare.. maybe I just havent looked in the right places but so far I havent heard anything.

A lot people probably dont have that great of internet but dont realize they dont have that great of internet. So complaining that its the game or the games servers is sometimes not really the case.

Lesnar would just suplex him 16 times.

You are just blindly stabbing at the wind i see.

To be honest, Destiny is basically one big horde mode. Most of the missions I remember doing are "go to this point, let ghost do some beepity boops, fight off 2-4 rounds of enemies" Rinse and repeat.

What? Minecraft and LBP are barely even in the same realm of game. "You can build stuff" is about the only thing they have in common

Ya.. no shit.

I cant hear xbox players over the exclusive 1 1/2 month head start they got on all dlc for COD the last 5 years in a row. Welcome to waiting!

I feel this way about Dragon Ball Z. I get they fight a lot in the series so they make fighting games, but i would LOVE THE SHIT out of an open world story based DBZ game. Just a giant open world to fly around in as Goku, gimme gimme gimme.