This makes the most sense, hopefully Valve gets it right.
This makes the most sense, hopefully Valve gets it right.
Man, theyre desperate to sell the Ouya any way they can
As soon as developers leave the ps3/360 behind so it can then be called "last gen" As it stands those two consoles are still holding everything back. People sitting there blaming the ps4/xbone for Watch Dogs not looking as good. Its actually the fault of the ps3/360, cant have it looking amazing on everything else and…
Why arent they just doing a subscription? Similar to Netflix? Pay x amount of money per month for access to all of these games. I dont see the model theyre going with here working, unless its like 2.99-9.99 for at least 15-30 days depending on the game..
The devs have said its coming to PS4 first and they "hope to explore PC at a later date" So its not 100% confirmed but they've mentioned PC.
10/10 Will be capturing every sheep in the game i can
They said the hoped to explore putting it on PC, its in no way 100% confirmed for PC.
"Game exclusives" should never be a "poor" argument. Exclusives need to die out unless theyre first party.
Twists every word? Im putting in quotes exactly what youre saying... Just because youre putting your own definition on "rip-off" doesnt mean that makes it any less offensive. Again im not trying to win you over or make you like the game. Thats not my intent and hasnt been my intent from the start. Stop trying to turn…
No, you didnt say "its so heavily inspired that it turns me off. just me" you said "it looks like a blatant rip-off of the style." Theres a term in spriting (i used to do pixel art myself) people would "rip" sprites from games. We would call these people out for ripping sprites directly from games and shun them from…
No, it isnt. You cant copyright a style and therefore have anyone "blatantly rip it off". Drawing inspiration from a style is perfectly fine. It sounds to me like youre just the type to see the glass half empty. You cant see the positives of it being similar. Its instantly negative just because youre an asshole. They…
Well then say "for me the art style doesnt do it" Dont say its a blatant rip off in any way because it isnt even close to that.
See a rip off is ripping assets straight from a game and using them. Midora is just inspired from MC's art style. None of those are straight ripped from the other, not even close.
Not even close, I used to sprite and you cant just up the resolution of a sprite. It doesnt work like that.. Theres also a clear difference between all of it, the only thing i might call "close" are the colors, and even those are still pretty far off.
NOTHING is the same though? I also never called you a judgemental jerk, not once did those words appear in my comment. Its okay to say "i dont like how close it is" But i have seen multiple people straight up say "Its a complete rip off, Nintendo should sue, they ripped assets straight from Minish Cap and used them"…
I dont think i ever tried to 100%, beating it was good enough as a kid haha. I just picked it up in the Wii U eshop.. wish they wouldve put it on the 3DS instead tho :/ oh well
I love how people are just jumping on it like its a fact that its a rip off without looking into it at all. Thanks for posting this bob
Its not a ripoff, its an inspiration and theres nothign wrong with that.
Ugh yessss <3 the graphic style is amazinggggg. Minish Cap is by far my favorite Zelda, its got a modest difficulty and doesnt hold your hand, and the art style is amazingness. Will be backing the shit out of this :D
Awesome! Thanks :)