
What about just first and middle name? Tali Zorah [insert last name]

Yup, i remember at launch i had absolutely no problems.. it was so nice

I got it for 3DS back in august, its really really good. Highly recommended!

Its a rerelease. Theyre not taking back your old games to change them and never let them be the same again. If you still have an original copy, that is the art.

My god, i just imagine you over there foaming at the mouth. Calm down buddy.

How do you get "megalouthions" from mega evolution though? Do you have a lisp or something?

Um.. wut?

Ah well good to know, thanks

Id still like a site to use multiple reviewers for each game. For example:

Media can say whatever they want. Its about choosing what YOU like and not being an asshole about it or about what others like. I personally cant stand Justin Bieber, but that doesnt mean im going to go around shitting on everyone that does. Grow up.

"I dont like it, so its not good"

Now playing

(Mainly the AngelMaker stuff, their screams are just amazing <3 Favorite band for the past year and still are atm)

Exactly, OP is just a PC jerkoff. I own a gaming PC and a PS4 and love both. PC gamers like him seem to be popping up more and more that for whatever reason want to turn things into a console war (which is funny considering how much they try to say theyre different from consoles)

Best part is, that if you read further through replies to me, the OP "Schlomo" even admits that they have only played 1 and 2

Have a nice night! :)

AHAHAHA "Asshole is the one calling other people names on the internet.. you childish fanboy" WHAT im done. Goodnight.

Oh i know, i was just throwing out whats happening in my area, i wasnt trying to make it seem like whats happening here is happening everywhere. I was just trying to compare here to there i guess. Some people i think read my comment negatively though like i was putting down the One which i wasnt, no worries.

See, youve got your fingers in your ears going na na na na boo boo not listening to me. If it reads negatively that wasnt my intent. How many times must i say it? I was just comparing that in my area there are many xbox ones available. But you seem to think thats me saying that theyre available everywhere, which im

I simply asked about not many people being able to find them, and then said that around my area there are a lot of xbox ones in stock. Never once did i say that my area is the only one and that i think the world revolves around me. Again, please stop reading my comment in a negative fashion, it was innocent and i

It doesnt surprise me! I was just explaining what is happening by me. I never ever stated that i think its like this everywhere. But continue reading into my comment negatively! Have a nice day!