Oh right, youre an idiot who apparently likes to hide behind false arguments with child like sentiments, let me fix that for you:
Oh right, youre an idiot who apparently likes to hide behind false arguments with child like sentiments, let me fix that for you:
Says the one talking like an eight year old completely ignoring what is being said (and not only whats being said by me) and going "Bzzzbzzzbzzzbzzbzzz" because thats definitely how to hold a mature conversation online! Bravo! You've one upped your idiot-self! I didnt think it was possible for someone to be so…
Nope, youre just a moron with your hands over your ears going "nananananana" At least you can accept it. Have a good day, and dont forget your helmet!
Youre basically talking about yourself. Please, read your previous comments out loud and realize out big of an idiot you sound like. The whole "tinfoil" hat shit had be rolling. I mean the simple fact that your defending microsofts original DRM plans in ANY way is hilarious. Like i said, youre either a moron and dont…
Oh, so you're just an asshole then! Gotcha!
Lets be fair though, the way Microsoft "confirms" things is never a guaranteed thing. The way they have been reversing on everything would have me worried (if i werent buying a ps4..which i am)
You're either a moron or a troll. I'll let you decide which you want to be.
But its MASS effect..
It just keeps getting better and better :O
Ah, well i never played WaW soo i had no idea ;P I started at Mw2
Black ops 1 + 2 are both by treyarch.. there are only 2 devs, Treyarch and Infinity Ward. They flip flop each year, so MW=IW, WaW=3arc, MW2=IW, BO1=3arc, MW3=IW, BO2=3arc, and Ghosts=IW
But again, why would they just want to completely demolish everybody? Where is the fun in that? Please, explain to me. I want others to put up a good fight, i dont just want to roll over everybody just because i have more time to put into the game than them. Thats like call of duty giving the guy who lives with his…
Jeez, try some therapy or something.
I dont believe hacking is that bad.. If its just used to battle others without having to take hours on hours on hours on hours of ev training/egg hatching/leveling then why not? Some people just want to battle, but if i just take my randomly trained up team against the guy who took those hours and hours and hours (or…
Oh oh oh i wanna be the retro guy!
He still insinuated that someone has said that before
Has anyone ever said otherwise?
It really is good. My only complaint is that the music in game is really really loud, and there arent any sliders for game fx and music. But im sure its something they could fix/add on later. I love it though because the boss battles are actually challenging.. regular enemies do get more difficult as you progress, and…
Pixel art isnt that easy though.. You make it sound like people just throw these games together in a matter of hours with some easy mode button. From my experience to make truly amazing looking 2-D sprites its a lot harder to make things look fluid and motion correct compared to 3-D.