
She’s a black Muslim Democratic woman. The Republicans couldn’t wait for the very first thing they could twist in order to attack her. The Democrats who joined in were deeply disappointing.

It is now anti-Semitic to point out that massive amounts of Israeli money into American politics has resulted in influence over American policy...

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All the welcome that white people deserved from the Native Americans when they got here

“The solution to this is a negotiation between the one person in the country who can sign something into law, the president of the United States, and our Democratic colleagues,” McConnell said Tuesday.

For me personally I’m done with him. Even if the investigation comes back as there being nothing actionable his version of events was so creepy and completely out of touch I just have no respect for him anymore. 

the GOP response

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Dennis Leary did a whole song about being an asshole:

I hate to be this person, but would you consider removing the method she used to complete her suicide?

You know what I’ve always found funny about that flag? They literally bastardized the American flag while simultaneously whining about how kneeling NFL players disrespects the flag. The stupidity of these people knows no limits.

I still think police and politicians should face multipliers on their convictions, because they are in positions of power and we have no choice but to trust them. So if a crime normally carriers a 5 years sentence for a normal, powerless citizen, for a police officer or politician, it should get multiplied by 2.

Tangent: I read an article recently of a group who are using facial recognition software to determine the names of people from Civil War pictures. Very interestingly, they can match group shots of soldiers, scan 2+ facial markers and uniform patches to compare to military records.

I’m sure this dude is ALLLLLLL about everybody being free to arm themselves to the teeth, until the moment he spots a black person with anything in their hand, and then shoots them because it could have been a gun.

I think they thing Jews belong in Israel (which is why the U.S. wanted that nation-state to exist ... so Jews wouldn’t come to the U.S. after World War II. I think they also think once enough Jews are there, Jeebus will come and they and all the non-believers will get what they deserve. At least, that’s what the

What he is prolly thinking is that with the GOP he’s special. he’s their magical unicorn that they can hold up and be like See! We aren’t racist/homophobic/bigots! Versus with the Dems he’d just be a regular normal person.

When Donald Trump Says Scary Time For Young Men He Means Young White Men

When you become the literal laughing stock of the world there is only one question you should ask yourself:

Even if we take her entire story at face value, it’s still open-and-shut manslaughter. But you can already see where they’re going with this. She was tired. She thought she was in her own apartment. He didn’t listen to her commands. I really do feel that they’re going to treat this as a stand-your-ground issue. Just a

I suppose that those of us who know that this man is flashing a white power symbol are once again imagining shit.

Just standing here in front of a t-shirt rack making the totally relaxed, default position for my hands that is not at all a message for anything