imtiredthatisall IS just like Gywneth Paltrow

O’Malley is a complete non entity. I’m not even sure why he’s bothering no one is paying him any attention except to comment on how handsome he looks.

I think she wants it pretty bad and made the mistake of assuming she was probably a shoe in. But Bernie surprised everyone by running and doing effective grassroots campaigning. I think she and Bill care very much about their legacy and maintaining a positive public persona otherwise they wouldn’t have set up the

I think it would be naive to not realize what the Clinton’s m.o. is. We all know the Clintons are in it for themselves. However, fortunately they also try to do actual nice things for other people and the general public in the process (see, paying off the deficit and leaving a surplus and trying to enact universal

Yes that is also another important fact.

Yes, exactly what you said. I don’t want someone who is just like me. I want someone who I know is smarter than I am at politics, clearly has experience and has accomplished good things in the political arena.

The thing is, I don’t want someone who doesn’t know what they are doing in politics to be President. The fact that Hillary (and Bernie) know how the game works is a plus to me. Then they doesn’t have to waste time learning how to maneuver. They will know how to get stuff done.

How on earth do you think you can be an effective President if you’re spending all that time with your husband?

There is nothing right about the Academy right now. I’m not even sure why it maintains any relevance. People are critical of it for a reason.

Me, while listening to this.

Having a doctor you like helps a lot :) Good luck! You sound like you’re doing well.

I am not letting myself get this app.

Based on everyone’s comments I already know Tubbs is going to be my favorite.

Ok. I will not get the app.

Ugh I am sorry your nutritionist is giving you grief. My doctor pretty much told me to expect having to increase my night time insulin over time as the baby and placenta got bigger - which is what happened.

Yes. It was. It was meaningless to me because MY SUGARS WERE STILL HIGH SO WHO CARES WHO’S FAULT IT WAS. Sorry. I’m having flashbacks.

Cats without commitment. Like secret bangs.

Just make you flag them for hate speech or harassment every time you see them or dismiss them.

It’s also your placenta’s fault. That’s what my doctor kept reminding me when I would get upset when my sugars were not in control.

I had gestational diabetes in all of my pregnancies and I have never really eaten any potatoes. But I do have other risk factors that made it happen.

We should all be so lucky to know someone like that who is part of our life.