Now close your eyes, and imagine this person described also put on a full face of makeup. Because the person is a woman, not a man. And all of the athletes who happen to be females role our eyes, because this has always been our reality.
Now close your eyes, and imagine this person described also put on a full face of makeup. Because the person is a woman, not a man. And all of the athletes who happen to be females role our eyes, because this has always been our reality.
He went to Carolina. Their athletes don’t exactly have a reputation for being the “learning” and “studious” type...
I feel like this story warrants a request from Drew, “give me all your athletic travel horror stories. “
With the skin margin of victory for Cooper in NC, 3-5 million fraudulent votes could have an affect on our election...
What an unpresidented take on the issue! I’m sure God-what’s-his-name is working on making the league great again. Back when the QBs were team players and had morals pure as snow. Don’t they know they’re just here to make the team look good?
Have you watched SNL lately? I think Trump liked the weekend-update idea of banning smoking in public housing; evicting the tenants; turning them in to high end tall estate townhouses for yuppies who like to ski...If anyone can ban smoking in government subsidized housing with a straight face it’s BCarson. He was…
Gotta get that Qualou endorsement deal...
Should I be more or less shocked by the fact it doesn’t appear fron the clip that a single player stopped play, and it looks like one of the guy’s teammates saw the hit and ran around them?
I would venture to guess that the affair was real because 1-come on, she’s a professional model 2- while I’m working off my knowledge of bad Vh1, ANTM and a liberal arts degree, Adrienne seemed to be looking for a father figure.
But we still have adults supervising them right? who also happen to be high school teachers...
Shockingly she used those ancestral skills to deliver a swift kick to his face while sipping that water.
Vegas shit the bed on this one too. O/U was 55.5. You can’t pass in weather like this. It favors D. Guess someone forgot to check the weather forecast?
Ehh, I think Bill would have gotten annoyed with Trump being creepy and scaring off some of the women.
I feel like that’s gotta be a big reason Cam hasn’t kneeled.
Can you post a poll asking if people would boycott the NFL if the league prohibited players from taking a knee?
I think one of the questions is, is the community safer if he goes to jail? I do not think our system is set up to rehabilitate offenders. If he did go to jail, what are the odds he emerges from his sentence as a more productive member of society? While his non-sentence is hard to swallow as a woman, I also think…
When will they start production on this Locked Up Abroad episode? I’m tinkleing with anticipation.
I think what he was trying to get at isn’t that family members don’t report them, but that paperwork doesn’t get filed our filled out, therefore the statistics look better.
I live in Raleigh NC. They evacuated a local mall Saturday afternoon for basically the same reason. 8 injured inn the melee. After an investigation, can’t confirm that any gunshots were fired. Americans are on edge.
Not to mention it takes away the right to sue in state court for employment discrimination, requiring you fyi go to federal court. Ahs they included a severability clause, which means that if the Courts strike down the actual bathroom part, everything else still stands.