All. F*cking. Swag.
All. F*cking. Swag.
Can we get an official Attack On Titan game by Platinum Games or Team Ninja with Itagaki at the helm (again)? Could be amazing if done right.
As long as it's cheap, I download the games rather than buy hard copies. Hard copies don't really give me that satisfaction that it gives other people, to me it's just a hassle changing discs when you want to play another game, locating the games (my room's a mess) etc.
Eh, I didn't even find Ocarina of Time difficult as a six-year old and the only remotely hard part about Majora's Mask was the end of the Anju & Kafei quest. Zelda games have never been difficult. Not even the handheld ones.
If that's the case, Sony and Microsoft barely have ANY own IP's.
But they aren't kicked out? They might not have a use for the Xbox One but there are other consoles out there and there's PC games that work fine when played offline. There are lots of options out there.
It's bullshit that you can't play Xbox One on your cabin trip? So because you can't play your Xbox for one week, every 52 weeks, it's bullshit?
I'm getting just as sick of people complaining about checking in ONCE every 24 hours when they're complaining on, wait for it, the internet. Like, 90% of the people complaining won't have a problem connecting to the internet once a day. (And I'm not intending to buy an Xbox One at the moment, but only because none of…
But why wouldn't you want people running up the side of a building? Why wouldn't you want to fight an enemy in the air for five minutes without falling? You say it like it's a bad thing. To me, that's what I want from video games. I want to do shit I can't do in real life. Also, if you can shoot fire out of your…
Final Fantasy. Read that again. 10 times.
People forget. Toky Game Show is also coming up in a couple of months. You think Microsoft will have a really strong presence there? Or do you think the show will be dominated by Sony, with many exclusive games made by Japanese developers? I too think that Sony really lacked that game. The one to really wow me. Yes,…
I've bought FIFA 10, 11, 12 & 13 (and I've played just about every other version with my friends, plus I own a couple random FIFA's, since I used to alternate between PES & FIFA before FIFA 09). I still have them here in my room. I'm actually GOOD at FIFA (or, I was, before I bored by the latest iteration) and I love…
Exactly, PES has basically been trash since PES 2009, which is about the same time FIFA surpassed PES once and for all. I'm far from a PES fanboy, if you thought so, I usually alternated between FIFA and PES before FIFA 09, which just crushed PES in almost every single way. But now, with PES being so far behind, EA…
Yeah, you probably notice and appreciate the changes more when you skip a game.
IMPROVEMENT? It was the same damn thing. Defenders ALWAYS winning shoulder-to-shoulder duels unless you were using Ibrahimovic or Ronaldo and a whole lot of bugs to add to that. Shooting was almost exactly the same, passing as well.
PLEASE don't buy this. FIFA hasn't seen any major improvements or overhauls for years now. As soon as sales start to drop, they'll have to at least think about it. Because while the FIFA games are good right now, they aren't great. Personally, I hope PES can become a major title ASAP so Konami can push EA and make…
Sure does. Smh.
She looks like Halle Berry. Halle Berry isn't recognized as a black woman? You have to SOUND black to be black? How does a black person sound? You have to ACT black? What does that even mean?