
What about bugs/dirt on the windshield?!?!?!?!

Really aggressive or sexually forward people are terrifying to most people. I don't know about you but I really don't appreciate men who express their sexual intent within the first five minutes of meeting a woman, really aggressive men would be borderline sexual harassment for me, I wouldn't expect a guy to like it

I like Lindy so, just to be clear, I am in no way blaming her, at all, but this was a weirdly boring Dirt Bag.

YES! When they're that small, you can lie through your teeth and they will totally buy it. If they're primarily watching movies via DVD or Netflix or whatever, well that's just too bad, kids - Netflix is broken!

I don't even know who 2/3 of these people are.

Or maybe it's just because religion sucks and is responsible for a ridiculous amount of oppression globally.

Meanwhile, my recently-published scientific review hypothesises that men have evolved to look sexy with their hair pushed back. Tracy Vaillancourt, will you please corroborate my theory that men have evolved to look sexy with their hair pushed back?

"Sadly, no empirical data are ever presented that are relevant to the central claim."

Jock culture isn't about males playing sports, it's about males playing sports getting free passes. You probably won't see jock culture in ice hockey anymore than you'll see it in female sports because they don't get privileges and free passes for doing it. The closest female equivalent to jock culture is probably

I was taught it was the four F's. French, Feel, Finger, Fuck

This kind of magical thinking can infect unsurprising people.

I remember when I first got on BC and started having sex I was SO TERRIFIED of getting pregnant. But as the years went on and sex was had plentifully, and no babies were made, I became more lax. I wish I could rationalize why I wouldn't stress about missed pills, etc - but I guess I had just gotten to the point where

I always thought the order was 1) PIV 2) Anal 3) DP 4) A2M. Did mama lead me astray???

This is not a joke.

Next up: men's underwear that tweets whenever we adjust ourselves.

I just stared at this for a good minute. Mesmerizing.

I really like this article. Don't care about the gypsy eyes or particular weight range. Jesus, some people just live to nag. I disagree that all women hate themselves or their body though. It's almost like people/articles/studies/magazines whatever want us to believe that. No one feels great all the time. But there

Didn't even need to read the byline to know this was Doug.