
I am always torn, I hate people, so the internet is perfect for shopping. But I know when I buy my makeup from Macy's instead of, not only does it keep people employed, but they get a commission (in some positions) to prop up their underpaid salaries.

Good point. From now on we should not investigate or arrest any individual, because the victim might be lying. That makes good sense.

I understand that being falsely accused of rape can be devastating. Do you know what is also devastating? Being raped.

Exactly. He did not describe a man being roofed and "gently raped" by another man.

They decided a girl's entire life was worth a month of my rent. Just fuck the whole world.

You wanna cry giant ugly tears? Listen to Strange Fruit.

Fair enough. I want a lesbian Prince Charming. The ultimate plot twist.

Thank you. Sometimes I fell like the world is Dipshitopia.

I agree. Shut the motherfucker down. Emergency Staff only. Or have a double pay "actual volunteer workers, not cohersed workers" work.

At my work if we don't show up for our Thanksgiving shift we will be given a writeup and it can be used against us to fire us. Our bosses also assign us to work Federal Holidays and don't ask us if we would like to work on that day (as other employers have). My brain nearly melted with rage when I was told I was

One does get the vague impression Republicans would use the word "uppity" if they thought they could get away with it.

If they are willing to donate the heart, I am sure they are not withholding the other organs. But they very well might not be viable. She was shot to death, which probably causes problems.

Despite being a bit of a musical theatre nerd I have never seen this one, but have listened to the soundtrack. The Red Riding Hood/Wolf thing always seemed like a sexual metaphor/a little pedo-y.

Oh definitely! While anti-semitism is very real, there is no doubt it is a small pool compared to the ocean that is anti-POC racism in this (and many) countries. And I am pretty sure as a white Jew I get a lot less shit than brown Jews. The thing about being a Jew is it does not fall at all neatly into any box.

I had shiny, metallic pewter platform sandals and let me tell you...THEY WERE THE SHIT. I was so damn cool in my awesome awesome footwear.

If you are doing a flash back fashion posts Shania Twain deserves her own article, really.

Goddamit. Why the hell isn't Kel Mitchell a household name? I genuinely never figured out why he doesn't star in his own 10-year long running sitcom.

But Jewish is pretty much a race. If that makes sense.

What!? What! I would freak the fuck out. That is some serial killer nonsense right there. Running his hands though your hair? Like a....boyfriend? Or, I donna, hairdresser?

Napster was popular, but illegal downloading was not nearly as ubiquitus as it is now. It was mostly "computer people" and college students that used Napster.