
Because it gets them outdoors and out of the regular confines of prison life? Adds variety to the skill sets one can learn while in prison?

I am very conflicted about this. Of course, I don’t think anyone should be exploited for Whole Foods financial gain. But they are prisoners, and these jobs have got to be best case scenario while they’re in there. I can’t say I mind them getting a low wage so long as work conditions and expectations are fair.

Person trying to politely let someone down: Yeah! I’d totally be interested in you in an alternative scenario that could literally never happen!

It’s a hypothetical testing Confucian principles.

Dollars to donuts, those aren’t local residents.

I wonder if she stopped filing her nails when she orgasmed.

If all you got out of it was “dude did it,” that’s you, not the series.

Yes! I think there’s a dynamic here where the cool kids want to show how much more sophisticated they are than the unruly masses who got into Serial by just blanket poo-poo’ing the entire show. And one of the ways to do that is to adopt the “clearly he did it, Keonig is a shitty jouranlist” critique. Well, ok then.

It’s hilarious to me that so many people are convinced he did it, despite the fact that all the evidence against him has been completely obliterated.

It legit scares me in these true crime type posts, how many otherwise open-minded people come out of the woodwork proclaiming absolute unshakable certainty in something they can’t possibly have certain knowledge of.

I find the unrelenting passage of time to be alarming as well so I’m going to have to side with the police on this one.

Trigger warnings are not about censorship.

No. A “trigger warning” means, “I am going to teach X this term, and X might be traumatizing or otherwise upsetting if you have experienced Y before.” Censorship is not bothering to teach X at all.

As I’m sure a million people are going to pipe up and to say this, but, yes, Virginia, there are 5-year olds that can write letters.

See, I read that as being heavily sarcastic. I’m no fan of hers (I don’t know how any woman can be a member of the GOP without doing some major mental gymnastics) but I thought that comment was spot on.

According to Saeed Mamouzini, spokesperson for the Kurdistan Democratic Party, the woman struck back on September 5, murdering Abu Amas.

In one sense, I agree that the situations aren’t comparable. Davis refuses to act as the state performing a function of the state, when in reality the state itself does not have a freedom to religion. She has that job, she needs to do that job, full stop, or remove herself from the position of being a representative

I mean, if a compromise or negotiation satisfies all parties then fine, but ultimately if you can’t fulfil your entire contract then... bye.

Fuck these religious assholes who think they’re entitled to a job, fuck them. Go find “work” in your religious institutions, not in jobs serving the public.

I mean, she said specifically that she’s onboard, and that she doesn’t want to ‘stand on anyone’s happiness’. For some folks, especially people who are of her generation or older, I think it’s unrealistic and to some extent unfair to expect not just support, but enthusiastic cheerleading for something they spent most