Academician Prokhor Zakharov

pure... uncut... awesome.

Does this apply to all our purchased xbox live arcade games too?

Keep using terms like “binaries” and “engine reversion,” you clearly are an expert on game development.

VPN + Fake credit card address details?

They probably haven’t fixed it, because it sounds like the code used to calculate weapon degradation is not framerate independent. This is similar to the Dark Souls dsfix issue where unlocking the framerate breaks the collision detection for the game.

This flaw has essentially existed in one way or another since Dark Souls. It has to do with how they do collision. Their collision detection is framerate dependant, so higher framerate = more collisions, the only things that stops you from getting hit multiple times by the same attack is the cooldown of the attack.

So tired of people using the word broken for minor annoying bugs. A broken game is something that can't be played, and Inquisition is far from that. The vast majority of people can play the game start to finish without anything that halts their progress. If it seems like there's a ton of people, there's really not,

Go fuck yourself.

Origin asks if you want to replace a save from your pc, whenever you connect to after playing games offline. So those people must be idiots who don't read before they start the game.

A big "THANK YOU!" to all the hard working people at Sony and MS (and anywhere else) who have to sort this nonsense out on Christmas.

Yea, I'm pretty sure he was referencing your comment as a whole

Great story. Compelling and rich.

Actually both last games were a buggy mess when first released.

Did you play the first two games when they came out? They were fucked on release! It looks like they're taking their time with this one, at least.


Get the fuck over yourselves. Damn entitled children.

EA is the single most important gaming company there is. Why? Because they publish some of the biggest and most popular franchises around. Not to mention that they publish more good games than any other company.

Now, let's go over the list:

Because products don't sell themselves. Contrary to popular opinion, you need marketing to sell products. Yep, even sending out review copies or press releases to the media and get people to hear about your game, is part of marketing.