Academician Prokhor Zakharov

Horizon Zero Dawn was started in 2011 and released in 2017, so 6 year development.
At 60 bucks a pop - With 30% going to Consoles, and 5% re-sellers (your gamestops and walmarts), they are looking at 39 dollars per copy sold - with 3.5 million copies sold - that is around 140 million made on the game.
Gorilla games have

If the market allows it, why not do it? There is a cost associated with these trials that outweigh the normal console testing environment (cleaning of the headset, Sony requires someone to watch the person who tries it etc.), so why not have it be a cost?

They shut down their Feature Phones (aka, Non-Smart phone) and sold it to Foxconn. They still make Smart Phones, and they gave this over to the Surface Team.

Combat has improved, and it is bigger. However, the general complaints are: Its very much the same “actions” that the first one has (Running, jumping), that the story is short (8ish hours) and it being rather generic.

The general feel I have see is:
If you liked the first one, this one you will like the same or more.

EA wants these titles for EA Access and Origin Access. Rocket League pushed PS+, EA wants to have something to push their subscription service.
EA does not want a new Rocket League, they want a House of Cards or Breaking Bad. Right now, EA Access and Origin Access is the old Netflix idea, get a bunch of old content

Microsoft says “UWP is not restricted to Windows Store” so the question is “Will Valve allow UWP apps on their store”.

My Guess: Nope.

EA released a statement in their last financial statement saying:

Does it matter? Microsofts plan is Windows 10 on a billion Devices, not to outsell PS4.
Will it make Microsoft sell more devices that they can leverage Windows 10, their OS Store, VR, AR and all the other things that Windows 10 is supposed to do.

Scott Pilgrim Vs The World, I love that beatem up,I am sure you could make a decent movie out of it.

Band 2. I know it’s a rare one, but works really well with my Windows phone and Microsoft Health.

Band 2. I know it’s a rare one, but works really well with my Windows phone and Microsoft Health.

Did this happen when Dragon Age Inquisition came out? Can’t I recall this amount of negativity over Dorian or Krem?Is DAI better written, did they have less of an impact on the community? I am wondering, cause this is one character, versus three very clearly LGBT characters in the much larger game.

The use of the phrase “common problem” seems to be used throughout here, but one would think that with 200 million installs, and you only hear about it when you google the phrase, might not be the correct term.

Googeling “Xfiles fanfix mulder and alien deviant” and finding people posting about it, does not make this a

Not possible. Denuvo creates a key on startup and checks it when you start the game. That is all its does. The 5 gigs of RAM it was eating is caused by the game engine being what it is, not the DRM.

I heard its like 5, and then it degrades per day, so you have 5 the first day, and next day you have another, and another on day 6. This of course helps pirates not at all, they need millions per day.

The only ones who really get hit by this are the review sites that want to test performance on XYZ system. If you

They could, at least, have named it correctly “Gamepad”? They are ALL gamepads. The display there is a “Xbox Controller”. I see they managed to use the correct terminology for the Duelshock and Steam Controller. Dear Campo Santo: “Good Videogame, I beat it.” - I hope that hurt you as much as I did me writing it.

normal gear, normal level. - There actually is nothing that is “overlevel” anymore, everything scales to everything, even gear.

So, bonus trivia - If you partner up with a high level “unlocker” you can select to use their load-out next time you respawn.
I matched up with some random dude during my play, only had 1 grande unlocked for myself, but I switched to their load-out and had sniper rifle, jetpack, shield and whatnot.