
Least favorite horror movies:

1. Kinja: Rise of the Kinja
2. Kinja II: Everyting is Fine Here, Right? Everyone Is Happy Now, Right?
3. Kinja III: The Calls Were Coming From Inside the Extended Univision Family of Websites!
4. Kinja IV: Ernie’s Revenge
5. The Bye Bye Man

Sitting here, waiting for the guy who’s going go sum it up so I don’t have to watch the video.

Volume is turned down on video at work, but I can assume Andrew WK is now working at a light manufacturing facility?

Good job. I hate having to watch videos just to learn one damn word.

The word was unqualified.

I should grown up to be a successful film director rather than a gimmick account.

Maybe too obvious, but I’m going to go with Jim Carroll’s “People Who Died”.

I miss the old comments and layout and community. But on the other hand I’ve saved over $80 in Kinja Deals!