...Did they win anything with these tickets?
...Did they win anything with these tickets?
Holy ripoff! Or, maybe it's just because it's an apple thing.
@Priper: If I could promote that, I would... :D
@LukeDukem: I believe they are talking about using ALL CAPITALS LIKE A iDIOT...
@31337h4ck3r: Often higher than the brand name stuff. Just because it doesn't have a fancy brand name doesn't mean that it won't work...
@ochee_: Mind posting yours so that we can see?
@doomed13: Awesome. Anything involving spaaaaaace and BP is cool.
@oopsmyeye: Honestly, 3/5... It's nice and all, but doesn't have the original setting that made the others great.
What's inside the box? Publicity stunt.
Thanks! I've been wondering about this, and this cleared it up. :)
@Gonzie: Alright, I'll stop looking for ways to poke fun at apple :P
@Gonzie: Ah, I guess that Apple has never heard of/doesn't use Plug'n play?
Couldn't they release it at first, instead of before most people even buy it?
@MifuneT: Nova:Magnetic Storm taught me the same thing. I wonder if you can induce an artificial magnetic field?
@vinod1978: Err, for us people who don't think paying $40 more for something far better, it is.
@vinod1978: I'm guessing $30-50?
@wilcheung: Yes, he's was a great author, but I thought that the older books (2001) were better than the newer (3001).
@Neural_Net: I agree. Total Annihilation was one of the first, best RTS games... SupCom was also awesome.