Zain Merchant

You lost me at: “This appears to have a DCT. That’s a compromise: they’ve compromised driving feel for better lap times.”

Are we really not done with flat paint yet? Blech.

As someone who works at a Toyota dealership, I can’t tell you how many people say “Who needs snow tires? I can just get AWD and be fine!” or “I really need AWD for Winter.”

I’ve pissed a lot of customers off reminding them it’s All Wheel DRIVE, not All Wheel STOP. The belief that All Seasons, quite literally, work in

James May on Clarkson’s about the “twat”virus was quite funny.

I always make it a point to keep looking after I find something. Just because people always say “it’s in the last place you look” and I want to prove them wrong.

british politeness.... its bad form to lead them on a runabout and then not let them catch you

Your user name says it all.

So you would rather pay 30 grand more... for an experiance... when in the end you get exactly the same thing....

You can sort of make out the Toyota badge in the bottom right image:

If I win Powerball, I’m going to charter a jet to LA. My first stop will be Singer. My second stop will be Icon. I love his work.

I feel like there was a missed opportunity here...

The mix-up left him feeling....a Vettel Sebashful

Red Bull is a hell of a drug

That is not the purpose of RTW laws. The purpose is that employees, or prospective employees, are not forced to join a union in order to be co side red for a job. Union can still have value in certain situations, but not all unions have as much value as they did decades ago before OSHA and similar state agencies.

I’m not in a union. If I were fired for being gay, I’m pretty sure I’d have a real nice discrimination lawsuit on my hands. So I wouldn’t worry about that.

I think you’re thinking of at-will employment. At-will means the employer can fire you for whatever reason. Right to work has to do with unions.

Top bid so far from username falonso.

The Super Excellent Fun Time Dog of Weiner Stand does much better food....

Hey that’s where the hotdog stand of eternal glory is

You dont have to tip them.