Zain Merchant

How long until we get the Jaguar Mys-Pace?

Any bigger and Matthew McConaughey is going to need a CDL

Forum member owned

I get that it might not be important to everyone, but I’m sorry, I can’t get on board with skipping episodes of a good serialized TV show. I would skip the entire series before skipping episodes.

I like how

Someone get that man a Red Bull

How much extra do you pay in taxes each year over what you’re legally obligated to?

More like- audi driver looks in all mirrors and sees reflection of him/herself. Then changes lanes, causing an accident behind them but goes about their life as if nothing happened.

There’s clearly a 2nd ball thrower from behind that grassy knoll!

o shit

Wait, who threw the ball that hit him in the neck? The dog owner has both hands occupied (phone and leash).

It’s not a pizza delivery bike but a +13K machine, why didn’t Ducati at least put some shielding to cover that eyesore?

Didn’t this come out on April fools day? It’s a prank from dad-to-daughter, not a degredation of gender.

I agree 100% with your comment. The girl of the video could’ve been a boy and still the same thing.

Its just a joke, not “13 reasons why!”

Your putting WAY to much emphasis on the gender. Every shop does something like this to the new guy.

Yeah, well a decade ago I would have laughed and called bullshit if someone told me to go to the store and buy “diesel exhaust fluid”. And yet, here we are...

My own, but I also don’t hide my conflict of interest behind the vague veil of “Journalism”...

@LuzioRaglestein: Wow, so you feel that deliberately getting in the way of traffic that's going faster (regardless of speed limit), you are slowing down the speeders? What the fuck kind of logic is that??