
Thanks for pointing out the very modern concept of visa. I’ve been looking up the genealogy of anti-immigrant Republicans (aka, pretty much all Republicans), and pointing out to them on Twitter that their ancestors came here the same exact way that today’s Dreamers and their parents came here - with a bold vision of a

I’m so, so sorry. It sounds like it’s been an incredibly trying three years. I hope you’re getting the support you need from family, friends and/or a counselor. Sending good thoughts to you and your kiddo.

I think this is sound advice. But I also think that if she DOESN’T have anyone she can move in with, it’s also reasonable to cohabitate with her soon-to-be ex so he can co-parent during the very trying newborn period, and then move out.

Am I missing some shit here? Is LW1 and her lying sack of shit husband stinking rich? If he is, yes - by all means take him to the cleaners and make him pay for full-time nanny and night nurse. Otherwise, normal divorce money does NOT buy you much needed support during that emotionally-draining newborn period. If he

But her advice wasn’t “stay to give him a chance,” it was “cohabitate as coparents since you’re both committed to that and you will be emotionally and physically taxed.” WHICH IS SO TRUE. I was not prepared for how badly I would need support, was in the throes of PPD and had a child with medical needs. Couples in

Peter obviously was not a good choice — word is that he wouldn’t agree to sign a contract that he propose at the end of the season. So then that leaves Eric, right? Nope.

By not picking Eric, ABC is really proving that Rachel was a token pick for them. Heaven forbid there’s back-to-back Black leads in the franchise.

ModCloth is owned by Walmart, FYI — for those who are boycotting them.

ModCloth is owned by Walmart, FYI — for those who are boycotting them.

That supercut of racist shit this guy has said made my stomach churn.

Regresa Ya is giving me life right now - this is like the mariachi music I grew up listening to, but it feels so much more modern, with the raw emotion of women’s voices elevating it for today. Thank you for sharing this!

Even the libertarian conservative Cato Institute touts that immigration has a net positive on U.S. workers’ wages. Immigrants commit crimes at lower rates than U.S. citizens. The Right’s hatred of immigration has more to do with xenophobia than facts.

This varies from jurisdiction to jurisdiction. Not all cities have medallions, but nearly all have some sort of background check that is required before a city will issue a taxi permit/license.

Also, the world doesn’t revolve around people with special needs and it doesn’t owe them anything. It’s your job to adapt to the world and not the other way around.

I think it’s pretty impossible to get there without the other person giving an inch, and from what little we saw of his father, it seems quite possible that his father is too wrapped up in himself to accept the reality that things were shitty for Dean.

Dean strikes me as someone who can accept a person, flaws and all —

I live nearby. If I go, it means I would bring my toddler. I’m not sure I could bring myself to put her in harm’s way like that.

I leaped all over this because from the photo I thought that their Beautifully Precise brushes are included in this sale - but alas, they are not.

I leaped all over this because from the photo I thought that their Beautifully Precise brushes are included in this

Background note on the 340% figure: there was an increased rate of autism in Black children in their study. However, researchers do not believe that this is a matter of causation, noting that they were using immunization records required to enter school and that the correlation was strongest between ages 3-5. A more

*Shamefully raises hand*

But isn’t their goal to explode Obamacare by leaving that mandate intact, removing the tax on not having insurance, and then forcing people into high-risk pools that will no longer be subsidized? So they’ll be able to say, “See? We told you! It’s in a death spiral! Obama’s to blame!”

I am pro-vax, but the reason why you caught whooping cough likely wasn’t because of herd immunity in the sense in which we normally talk about it.

This is not his first DUI. He had a history of arrests, including on assault charges, before going on the show. I doubt a contestant of color would have gotten a pass on those arrests during the vetting process — but this guy has blond hair and blue eyes, so boys will be boys, amirite?