
Really good article, Eric! =)

"less than 40 percent of responders said they used the network capabilities of their consoles"

Fuck yeah, I love you! :D

"It will also - wait for it - feature curved roads."

Replied to promote comment. Stupid promote button isnt working.

blah blah word limit reply thing blah blah

Oh man, forgot that we had COTW last time. Yes, what happened to it Kotaku?

Comment of the Day.

+1 to you

Ha! The Michael Scott Paper Company! Fuck yeah, nice touch.

1) Sucks if current xbox owners have a seperate blu ray player already. =/



Why would I want a seperate Neo Geo device when the PSP(and most probably the PSVita) can already play Neo Geo games?

Something's wrong. Look at the second pic. L1, L2, R1, and R2 are jumbled up.

Good one!

Oh my god, that was hilarious!

Yes. 2013 seems like a likely date.

Oh my gawd. It corrects itself. :O

Dear Gawker tech guys, they say a picture is worth a thousand words. Dont force me to post anything here, just so I can post a picture, goddammit!