I still want him back for The Hobbit
@Eternal: Represents "Sense";
@Wolfbullet: Win.
@Zyker: You havent?!
*imagines Micro-Bash bowing*
@elmorepow: What the hell.. Guess I didnt make it. ;(
@klipp89: Random PS Plus members will be chosen as well.
+1 to PS Move for making me look less like an Idiot as compared to these people.
@ShinobiRAGE: hahahaa
@Deto: Ah..
After reading it over and over again; I finally kindda get what he was trying to say.
@Deto: what?
@Whizkid103: lmao'd.
Not even a decent paint job for this "official" product?
@Krakenstein: You're one lucky son of a Koopa.