
@redkamal: Agreed. You guys should try it on a PS3.

Rex? Mark. III? Bethesda's fans of Kojima!

What I want from TGS:

Monkey Island SE 2 @ 4.99?! Damn, I've yet to finish up the first game. Gotta get this first and then finish up the first game.

Irem! The guys who made that AMASING Japanese Night Festival thing on PS Home! LOVE that place.

"Join the Movement"

Kojima's next game.

@dowingba: Yes, Gran fking Turismo.

I know almost nothing about Halo but wtf's with the left guy's head???

You know what? It's pretty cool!

"The woman admitted three charges of child cruelty and two of animal neglect. She was given six months in prison, suspended for two years, and ordered to do 75 hours of community service.

@Xeo: That sucks, Single Player was great. You should finish it.