@SlateSoda: Just look at him.
@SlateSoda: Just look at him.
@STiX: lmao'd.
@Bryon Farris: He's been up there for what, 2 months?
@robpe36: lmao'd there.
Thanks for reminding me why Ghost is so badass.
@gunluva plays the hopscotch on the pro circuit: He didnt take the Coriolis Effect into count.
@NexusSIX: Drake is BaaAAaaack!: holy shit.
@Maddogdw: Same here. But I dont think the (two birds?) represent anything significant though.
@miquonranger03: Methinks you watch too much LOST.
Everytime a picture of Chesty Jake pops up on Kotaku, I question my sexuality.
@CookieNinja: Oh gawd I just realised it. Damn, I can't edit my post! :O
@Xiatter: My bad. Edited.
@dracosummoner: lol'd.
I <3 Kevin Butler.
Dear new Infinity Ward studio,