
Go on...

IDK , I heard this college dude with an acoustic guitar do a pretty banging version of Ignition....

I don’t believe it. I think some asshole manager there just has a stick up their ass and wants to discourage smokers.

Hail Hydra!

“Gentlemen! There’s no fighting in here, this is the vagina room!”*

I don’t get the hate for RPO. It’s just a fun simple story packed with jokes/references. It’s clearly not for everyone but this article blatantly lies saying it was “widely derided”. It has a good review rating 4.6 on Amazon and a 4.3 on Good Reads pretty sure a lot of people enjoyed it.

Also Sokka would have trained his darndest if he had serious shot at bending powers. He just wasn’t born with the gift. Unlike (spoiler) from Korra.

Maybe electing someone who will get us to feel the Bern you’re saying?

IDk, Elizabeth Warren has been around for a longtime and doesn’t have half the stank surrounding HRC.

Just open the over halfway into cooking to let out the smoke and have your over fan blasting on high to deal with the excess smoke. Crispy wings and less mess.

Even all his friends/neighbors could be one-note jokes but the writing and stories found humanity in all of them.

Some of Newsboys earlier stuff reminded me of something like REM for Christians.

There’s a reason why Lucas made his evil empire all British sounding...

Saw DC in Pittsburgh last year as an opener. Lot of fun energy/music. The throwback sound/early Paramore feel might not be for everyone but it’s damn fun music that I can find little to complain about!

Yeah that’s what she got for dating the Son of Satan...for real.

Hey, I’m gonna go to Senegal take a bunch of selfies with poor people and tip nicely when I go out to eat. That counts as international charity with these humans, right?

How am I in the greys and he isn’t.....?


Can never tell who’s the worse troll, PRMB or recognitions lol

Those were more Animaniacs fyi