
Most people aren’t happy with their lives. When anything happens to seemingly benefit a group that does not benefit that person, it’s just another thing to complain about.

Also can someone ungrey me? Some asshat spouting extremely bigoted views apparently gets to be ungreyed...

No offense but may be you should check into that mental illness thing yourself. Anyone so concerned and so certain about the lifetstyle of people they barely know, seems somewhat unstable.

Eh, he blamed Hillary for ISIS too.

Yeah, there wasn’t a women’s march recently, thousands of emails about the FCC and net neutrality and the most politically active people have been in decades, but sure- just hashtags ;)

Weird observation but I initially thought the first letter was by a young woman. Then, because of that I assumed it was just a fake story that someone made up.

why the fuck you think Trump wanted to look in their dressing room? Cuz he was interested in their qualifications?

Not to be all pro-weed propoganda here, but name me any other illega control 1 substance a kid could pass around to his fellow fifth graders and have the effects be no worse than some being giggly and others feeling a tad nauseous.

Time Meadows should’ve been Rhodey in the MCU - he just makes any scene he’s in better.

You’re both trolls. It’s pretty simple/clear.

Of course, they are all wonderful mothers in happy marriages and they just want what’s best for their kids: private education, only minorities from wealthy neighborhoods may apply, and places to shop and take your kids where you don’t have to look at poor people. Why can’t we all get behind the dream of the white

Lol. Nah, that’s what people do in the world of The West Wing tv show, here in the real world- people vote SO THEIR TEAM WINS! WOOT! TRIBALISM 2020!*

Just need to have to re-administer test every 5 years after turning 60 is all starting at 65.

This might be better to make in an oven. High temps between 450-500 degrees for 20-30 minutes turing once could get tasty results with less loss of cheese.

You sir are my favorite type of Ru bot!*

Semisonic - Chemistry, another song with on the nose lyrics but in a fun quirky Fountains of Wayne-esque way. Also teenager me loved all the double entendres.

Polygraphs are bullshit, please make sure to comment on their worthlessness.

Sorry you are ignorant of facts. Here’s the simple thing if I contrast place A where population is mostly black with population of place B which is mostly white and make praising place B while saying heavily negative things including not wanting people from place A it doesn’t take a lot of logic to get to : that

Um... if you think misogyny is defeated by sexy teen girl dancing that has apparently hypnotic powers then...sure that film as all about the girl power

evidence Snyder is a good person? He’s always seemed like the typical dude bro who needs to make his super men so macho so as his films based on image books doesn’t seem gay.