I wag my finger and do a “tut tut” minor shake of the head when any one does something stupid while driving and I can catch their gaze for a moment.
I wag my finger and do a “tut tut” minor shake of the head when any one does something stupid while driving and I can catch their gaze for a moment.
Not after those sweet, sweet prequels!
Because we are narcissistic beings who know only the darkness awaits us in the end and some people find mirth in being dumbshits with dumb opinions that get other people dragged into dumbshit conversations.
I personally find such beings droll and dearly wish for the good ol’ days here where I could just block the…
you’re from Russia or a moron. Clinton wasn’t perfect, Trump was a monster. If you can’t understand nuance , you should probably remove yourself from democracy because you are not helping.
I assumed the headline would show, it reads: Johnstown Never Believed Trump Would Help. They Still Love Him Anyway.
Here feels like appropriate place to post this:
OG actually has a bonded in barrel bourbon that’s quite good and has quite a nice price point!
Anything ending in “tard” = lazy and mean to the mentally disabled.
So... wasn’t John Misty just trying to be satirical?
murder rate is lower than ours, dipshit.
Thanks for the explanation! I’ve liked a lot Bendis worked on, but something about his personality always seemed to irk me.
It’s my new go to insult. I have been trying to avoid things that actually affect people in my insults (mental problems, political affiliations, or anything else of the sort). Something about dipshit just sounds better than “asshole” or calling them what they most likely are a “troll”.
you are a Russian troll and no nothing of this great Canadian.
This person doesn’t understand how the industry works and they try to act like a cool jaded “realist” lol sounds like a teenager who thinks they’re really smart.
You realize hundreds of people would have blocked you by now if they could under Kinja, right?
Good. And wow already the kinja-dipshits have arrived bitching about Avclub trying to do the right thing, like omg so lame I kno. Fuck off dipshits, if places like the AVClub hadn’t done anything you would’ve been whiny dipshits like you already are.
I blame Kinja bringing in the unfettered non-critical thinking masses. I’m sorry, people learn how to see nuance and context and not be so goddamn
“snarky for lols, like both sides suck lmao rip”... and yes, get off my lawn.
I mean there’s no reason the casting could be out, but without knowing the scene there would be no reason to assume Banner would play such a big role. He could’ve been another small scene on earth like Dr Strange.
I HATED knowing about Hulk beofrehand, however it puts butts in seats.
Because this is America and your personhood is ultimately irrelevant to those who hold power (which in this case is corporate/gov profit-driven interests)