At least since the 1960s movie Peeping Tom where the killer IS a model photographer and uses a camera with a knife attached to get close and stab the models he’s filming to death.
At least since the 1960s movie Peeping Tom where the killer IS a model photographer and uses a camera with a knife attached to get close and stab the models he’s filming to death.
There are very few Omega Level mutants (I think they are cautious to put as cannon who could have near level god-like powers if needed) To my knowledge the only main X-men character to be Omega Level is Ice Man.. technically maybe Rachel Summers?
Ah Amicus- great company with so many horror anthologies. Def worth checking out if “Tales from the Crypt” style stories and/or British horror is up your alley:
The person already pulled a mea culpa. Stop getting off on your righteousness, it’s masturbatory.
There is this really .... weird mindset in a lot of European areas (Spain, Italy, France come to mind from personal hearing of stories) where people almost refuse to vilify any sexual acts.
Represent B10 Penn State women’s team!
Hell we already had Jeff Sessions act like Hawaii was barely America by referencing to one of the state’s judges as “some judge out in on a rock in the pacific”
Seriously wish could block that mouth breather. Fuck Kinja
Not everyone’s the same. Oversimplifying is for people who can’t handle nuance. Sure , everyone is in the game to win but only a fool thinks everyone plays the game the same.
Maybe check your HD features on the tv? If something like “constant smoothing” is on you will def have problems.
Really weird both times this happened a person from the armed forces was involved. Hmm and host is Canadian I think there’s a conspiracy here!
Did you get the same results from different companies? Do you think it was accurate? How do you know? Ask yourself: would it be more profitable for them to do some half assed test scam you and flip your DNA info over to companies for a sale and increase their profits? Probably? There doesn’t have to be a grand…
Cross may not remember but him talking in an accent that makes fun of southerners while saying something racist (get it, because it’s really the redneck that’s racist!) sounds like pretty standard mediocre David Cross humor.
Kinja really was as bad as everyone feared: horrible site design , can’t block shitty commenters, and less of the jolly folk I remember.
She’s giving Ivana shit for being AN ADULT LYING ABOUT HER CHILDHOOD TO SOUND COOL , go back to the phantom zone if you’re going to be so willfully dense.
Adios amigo. I don’t mind games approached as cultural works and analyzed. Weird that it bothered you SO MUCH.
You don’t know how every other country works. Just shut up you dumb kid.
Why the right supports a criminal President is beyond me.
Wow this dog whistling story literally involves a dog.
Wow AJ, I guess even space deities are allowed to have their own garbage takes from time to time :P