
You and all other married fans of ST Enterprise; all 8 of you.

It's amusing because i can't read what Pool Man wrote because I blocked that person awhile back, heh, and seems for good reason.

Jacoby being weird and Jerry being an amusing idiot are both pretty nostalgic for me…

I'd say between him and the writer, Russo, the two defined the genre over NOTLD and Russo's book and film Return of the Living Dead. While ROTLD is known for being inferior and different it did begin the trend of zombies wanting to feed specifically on human brains a trope as ingrained in the genre as anything else.

I mean, I think the set design for the post-zombie apocalypse is nice. A crazy rich guy wanting to stay safe in a Tower while making ridiculous statements seem more prescient than ever.

A great opening with the hands breaking through the walls too.

I think Land has moments that really hold up.

RIP George, you gave us everything we could ever ask for in horror.

No, but I do recommend Season of the Witch!

Eh, it's been an anger-talking point as long as I've been alive. In the 90s, there were SO MANY people in western PA, rural mind you, not like Pittsburgh that would complain it's harder than ever to be a white guy (which I guess?) and now it was better to be born black or female because then you'll get everything

Love the similar line in Community from its Who-parody show Doctor Spacetime:

It's funny that you think the user would listen to music created by a woman. How can a man truly be a man when listening to the warblings of Bjork, the whninings of Sinead, or the yelping of Paramour*?

I mean, Colin Baker was the worst, but what's wrong with Davison?*

Isn't odd how scifi is about an ever changing future yet the fans always seem most afraid of the change?


That's this troll's strategy. Tip toe around shitty sexist hand-wringing meanwhile trying to get one of you to say something like
"women can totally be selfish assholes and loners" then the troll gets to talk smack about women out of context and then claim you are the "real" misogynist.

"Also, women can definitely be arrogant and narcissistic, " fucker is a troll and that's exactly the type of dialogue the troll wants.

Unhide your comment history for 24 hours. No?

Eh, I still have sincere doubts this person isn't just a troll. A hidden comments history is never a good sign. Especially ones with over 3000 comments.

Look we all know these things are true and there's nothing sexist about the truth: