
Yeah for real, Obama's "scandals":

Not just because a popular interpretation of the Bible deems it so, but also verses telling women not to speak in church probably don't help.

I feel you, like even when the stuff came out about Trump Jr this week I was like "so super rich people one of which is most powerful politician in country are gonna get held accountable in a GOP majority political environment?"

This is why I hate the 2 party system. I would be willing to bet over the topics of a dozen or so important policies (education, welfare, equal rights, etc) you two would mostly agree. But because the machine could only offer up Clin-TON or San-DERZ the common people caught in the machinations are caught up in what

Women don't matter. Queer people don't matter. Minorities don't matter. Winning matters- the new GOP platform.

Yeah and that's not just the south and midwest. Rural Ohio, western Pennsylvania all have drunk the hate-Hillary Kool-ade

Vote for Zack 2024, tastes like a democrats but doesn't come with the political party baggage!

Don't forget how before 08 primary election, Hillary told a Christian marriage group that she didn't think America was ready for gay marriage yet!*

That's the problem with a 2 party system. You dems honestly think the Rs won't vote just because they have a shitty candidate.

Honest question to people who mention CNN, MSNBC et all showing footage of Trump rallies- what were they supposed to do?

Did you ever know that you're my hero?

Well how else can you explain we are such an advanced species so different than the common mammal?

Yeah, but why couldn't a photographer have accidentally taken their photo at that moment?

Ah, but the herb isn't for forgetting, it's for coping with the constant reminder of existence*

Because it's all about football-er I mean politics- er I mean competitive tribalism.

No No No, they were charged for services.

I like humor the way I like sex. Self-referential.

I wish you were right, but I really don't know what can happen to sway around 20% of the country's mind. Already , regular joes and janes who vote republican are rolling their eyes at this story saying that it's a nothing burger and that Hilary was asking for dirt on Donny from Pakistan or something (see, nothing

This doesn't matter.

Better keep fucking that dead elephant to find out though, right?