Huh sure are a lot of "intellectuals" here that like a guy who just "tells it like it is" good to know they are down with being anti-vax!
Huh sure are a lot of "intellectuals" here that like a guy who just "tells it like it is" good to know they are down with being anti-vax!
I get what you're saying. Beef head here is either too thick or one of those immature types that thinks any slap on the hand is too harsh and everyone should just chill. I mean so what if I use the n word or c word , I voted against Trump lol don't you want a chill ally like me bro?
No, no, Vietnamese and Koreans are the same looking and sounding to anyone too lazy to care to analyze or ask.
He's "Dad jokes for 'edgy' psudo-liberals'
Man, you Maher apologists sure do like to pretend you're smart, funny, and tolerable- wait are you all just failed Maher clones? Hmmm… might have just had a breakthrough here…
Dec 12 was when all over seas ballots were counted and the election was officially over for Obama's favor.
White women in the USA are some of the most brainwashed people in the country if born into certain rural areas. They are told how to dress and act "appropriately" = remember boys are sex maniacs and that's fine but don't go on and wear anything too tempting for the boys in your class.
OMG , if he had a kid from a former marriage… I don't even want to think about all the racist shit that would come out of a relatively normal situation.
Failing Jimmy C had a conscious! I met a JImini C that tried to tell me about my conscience, I said no!
funny isn't there a sexual fetish that involves debasing oneself while watching someone fuck a thing you love?
Yeah, but then the rest of the world didn't have Facebook, and we were better and controlling our image.
But, I just know Weird Al has been denying that "What if God Smoked Cannibus" it's too clever not to be a Weird Al song!
Easy peasy!
Also, BATB also isn't more for kids per se, but it's for fans of goofy silver age stories - kooky scifi, weird supernatural stuff and fun people like Plastic Man get to do stuff, also love any BATB appearance of Aqua Man!
Walter Simonson's Thor is also pretty damn fun and over the top
That's why he posts all the time on cool manly places like soccer threads. That's for the cool bros who don't have time for geek shit, but like playing a sport where falling theatrically is encouraged.
"Now, see this boat looks like it is bobbing in the water, but really that last motion of the tiny ship is going downwards. Clearly it's about to sink."
There's a lot of pretty men willing to fuck Bond. When you're hot enough and not a complete 1 on the Kinsey scale, chances are you'll find someone willing to see if you're a soft 2 or a hard 3 ;)