
Some people are annoyed at same sex couples in their "family" restaurants, maybe we should cater to their annoyances too?

I think maybe it shows how thin-skinned you are?

If nothing bothers you, you are probably psychopath. If everything bothers you, you're probably an asshole.

The thing is , we are all incredibly weak, fragile, ego-centric beings. The more we accept this the more we can grow.

You see, he was a nice guy expecting a nice evening…..

Hmm idk, this might set a nice precedent for women to be afraid of turning down a second date with me.

It's always nice to know as guy myself, that somewhere out there when a women feels threatened and unsafe because of a dude's actions that the spirit of brotherhood will well up in the hearts of other hetero dudes and ask "well maybe she really just a bitch?"

Is that a joke from the show? Because it seems like it could be.

*leans in comically close for effect "but what if this terrible jazz is our secret to a million dollars, Kel?"

Well this sure seems like a gritty prequel that no one asked to Falling Down

This Brandon seems like a "nice guy" maybe this "bitch" should text less during movies and she'd have a boyfriend already lol.*

Ahh, you just missed a chance to chat with an antebellum chick!

Luke Cage also first POC American-born superhero too (ie: mystical origins from the dark continent)

Saw a Truck a few weeks back with a Trump sticker next to a Captain America shield… people miss the point all the time, or just don't care and want to make conclusions that make them feel safer about reality.

Um…. ok? Lol I made a joke. But.. sorry if it really bothered you ?

You get the No Prize!

He once gave a two hour lecture to me in middle school when I proudly declared I made my own toast that morning.

Also, see my comment above. It's weird that people who seem to lean left usually take a hard traditional stance when it comes to food.

Ah, liberals and food. The only place where they will let their lizard brains take tradition and equate it with what should be.

Plus, we're not talking little mistakes or just not being perfect in general. Dozens of his money making schemes have gone belly up, he's had to close or sell many of his "Trump Landmarks" over the past the decade, on top of that he doesn't exactly have a loveable demeanor to get past all that failure… but sure, hand