
The Mohd in black fled across the message boards
And the gunlsinger commenter firsted him.

Something something, where women chunder!

Wow , let it fucking go. Oh no; Lol you lost the moral high ground to a woman online. Deal with it. Grow up and learn that pestering others about the definition of rape or harassment is beyond ironically dumb.

I mean… the people fighting not to get killed off while America twiddled their thumbs and let millions of concentration camp prisoners die off might have been noble but America joining the conflict because Japan attacked a military base and just ending it all by being the first to use nuclear weapons to end a war…eh..

Also most reporters of the violence seemed to make it seem like only those on the left were doing it (antifa was targeting mostly property btw) and most reports seemed to not mention Nathan Damigo a 30 yr old dude that punched a younger woman and then ran away (Damgio is the head of a white nationalist group and has

I read that as a "my friend who worked in the sex trade for a white" which… seemed like an odd way to phrase it, and amusing, and potentially scary.

Like women, am i right? Back in the day, they'd either leave the room when men were talking or smile and nod politely in agreement. Nowadays? It's opinions this, and taking offense over that; maybe if women smiled more we wouldn't have a need for feminism.

That facebook share/don't give them privilege to share meme/spam messages are the true litmus test for how much basic intellect someone has about technology and personal rights…. really disheartening.

"If I make a joke others find offensive, I should never have to apologize!"*

Yeah, Antifa is there to get minorities blamed… you could just be mad at the poor reporting/journalism that occurs when Anitfa shows up because a lot of journalists have never heard of Antifa

No, he's just an asshole that thinks it's other people to blame for being so uptight about things they care about and he doesn't. He also thinks he's funny… so a terrible combination.

Also anti vaxxer too…

Look, you giggled that time when Robbie made a flirty joke , you were both drunk so clearly so no matter what happens next nothing can be anyone's fault. If you have regrets , that's on you. God, why do women have to be so complicated and not conform to what men want them to be?

I think some guys are insanely dumb when it comes to sex even if they are skilled, creatively brilliant people otherwise. Watched a solid doc last year about Brian De Palma, loved his stories about his filmography but… wow… if listening to him talk about women doesn't give you douche-chill, you may want to consult

Especially if an anti-trans person started paying attention to what pronouns they used; like seriously, some people joke about that sort of thing but it really does reveal how much minimal time and consideration you put into taking how other's feel into your worldview.

Do a social experiment involving a puzzle that takes less than an hour, and receive free beers at the end? I don't think that's too hard of a sell.

Yeah, in that video, the two more offensively viewed guys reveal that they haven't had the easiest of lives (some of that's their choice, sorry people in armed forces, but you really should know what you're getting into) and I think that's a big step in understanding,


Just call the finished furniture experimental art and bring the world together when eventually everyone calls you out for co-opting a later seasons ep of Simpsons and then the healing can begin when everyone realizes they still occasionally watch stuff not from seasons 2-9.

"One day, I truly hope at least in my children's lifetimes there will be opportunities to travel far beyond our galaxy"
"One day I truly hope to get a pony hehe!"