
& I would say I agree with you, but a CEO of 70,000 often does that information get to him? Hardly ever.

I understand you want to find out some crazy story about Andrew Puzder as he is the CEO of over 70,000 employees, but the truth is the guy has hardly any knowledge of any of those employee maybe getting paid incorrectly, having poor working conditions, etc. I work for a company that has only 120 employees and I know

As a recent college graduate & someone who now works for a construction company in the HR department, I have learn a vast amount about unions (post graduation). I’ll share my opinion on unions only because I’m a millennial and that’s what we do. Unions were formed to protect the employee from the employer, to which I


What are the chances that posts Trumps tax returns before the site is taken down next week?

Are you guys worried about losing your jobs because of Hulk Hogan? That's gotta be a running joke around the office. LOL

Are you hiring?